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Rescued another cat, gonna try to find her a good loving home and then my foot locked up today after I got back from running errands. It hurts so bad that I wanna gnaw it off.

Once I get the pain managed of it I should be able to focus on art again, until then its just me socializing this cat to get her not so afraid of people and trying to not saw my foot off at the ankle.

this is the first time its ever locked up this bad too. Its not completely ruining my way of life, but it hurts really bad to put too much pressure on it. I got it soaking right now and I did take some tylonel, so here's hoping it lets up later so I can sleep.

I'll try to get some arting done tomorrow if the pain isn't bad or if I'm lucky it unlocks itself and decides to stop hurting.

Love ya guys and gals and stay safe.


Anime Guy

Pain is no stranger to me unfortunately. Both my knees hurt constantly. Hope your foot feels better soon. Also I hope you can find a good home for the cat.