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So everyone knows, Chick N Strip is nearly finished, I literally have one high effort panel to finish before lettering it and you will have the final parts!

With that said, the next page of Alpha to Zeta Z is about 70 percent done. That should be up hopefully tomorrow.

I will work on Chick N Strip more tonight if I get the time before I crash.

So everyone knows, I will be taking an art break on the 26th as I have a 4 hour drive to do and....ya girl just needs a day off!

With that said there is a lot, and I mean a lot on the way after what I just mentioned, commissions, bonus art, sneak peaks of up coming comics, as well as I'll be tying up Frankenstein's Bride soon because I took a break from it to finish commissions and start alpha to zeta z.

So with that said I hope everyone is enjoying what's being posted.

Also, the next 4 commissions will all be auto closet related.... So look forward to that.


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