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Now this is a story all about how my day got flipped turned upside down so sit right there while I tell you about this shit without trying to pull out my hair!

So I get up today, far later than I wanted to because I was woken up over and over again in the middle of the night due to stomach cramps, go about dealing with the aftermath of doing an art job (the one I told you about) and by aftermath I mean some paperwork-- as I was too tired to do any of it yesterday, finish that and decide hey, I'm gonna get my work station straightened up then get to arting.

Half way through that I realize-- oh fuck, I have a doctors appointment today. So now ya girl has to do the prettying thing, where ya know, go out of your way to try to make yourself look good so you can leave the house and people wont think you're some kind of cave dwelling monster.

So I rush off to my doctor's appointment, get out of there, get a call from someone we'll call Mr B. Mr B is an old employer of mine whom I'm still friends with. He's not calling me because he wants me to do work, he's calling me because he's in town and can't find a local hotel that will take pets, yes he travels with pets, I have too, its frustrating some times. So I'm lucky enough that my parents were friends with the manager at a local hotel and I was able to help him get a room at a decent rate. Not many hotels are okay with people traveling with pet rats around here.

Regardless after going through all that, him not seeing me since before the 'rona struck, he asked me if I'd go grab a bite to eat with him. Not wanting to be rude, I accepted because its been a hot minute since I saw him. We go eat and he starts unloading on me and I'm being polite and listening but really I'm just wanting to head back home and get to work.

After what a 3 hours of this, in which I'm ready to go after the first half hour, we say our goodbyes and I hop on the road and start heading back home finally.

Get back home only to find out that I had 3 packages that were attempted delivered today but couldn't because I wasn't here to sign for them. As per their policy I now have to drive an hour north to pick them up...TOMORROW. Mind you these are important things I needed like 3 days ago.

So anyway, I finally get rested in and then the stomach cramps start happening again. This isn't uncommon for me to get sick to the stomach like this, specially with how much I was working myself.

Stomach calms down, and then I find out the trial version of my comic software went PEWF, so then I had to purchase the full version. Don't mind doing that, but guess who's paypal had 'suspicious' activity (aka me sending my family members cash 3 times in a row when they needed it last month) so now I have to hop on the phone and confirm it was me doing it and there was nothing fishy going on.

Finally get the software paid for, and get this done. I hate not being able to work on the stuff I actually want to work on.

;_; wah.

/bitching over.



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