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Transformation incoming, I swear. I also swear this comic will be more of a hybrid between the styles of Joc Go Epilogue and Gyaru Staru. With long, drawn out transformation sequence with minimal cut aways but with the kinds of characters and story that Epilogue had.

This comic will be a hybrid of two styles, it will have long transformations like with Gyaru Staru, but will have the kind of story beats that made Epilogue so fun to do for me. So I hope that I can marry these two strengths into something that is enjoyable, but for the story to really have any impact, I will have to spend a little time giving some exposition, so please bear with me until we get to the transformation. I promised this comic will have 3 'unique' transformations and I mean it, I also promise it will have a villain who is almost as hateable as Monica.

Also I'm going to focus on creating large pages with more going on than focus solely on creating dozens of smaller pages. I think the longer transformation sequences can actually benefit from larger page formats.

With that said, everyone liking this style of lettering? It lacks my personal touch but I find its easier to read.  Oh-- and tbh, lettering INCREDIBLY TIME CONSUMING by hand for me, so having this ability speeds it up. I literally lettered this in one fourth the time it would take for me to do it by hand.

Now with that said, I do believe it'll only be one more page before we see a transformation, but no promises (It could be two) but I'm gonna try to make it one large page introducing Minzy's next victim and establishing why they deserve what's about to happen to them.




the scenes that you find out about everyones reaction to the change are the best. especially when it creates a bunch of drama.


Thank you! I'm glad ya like it! I always wanted to see what happened after the gag in so many tg scenarios, be it in media, or on the internet. I literally lay up at night thinking about what happened to the guy after he got TG'ed in the mountain dew commercial.