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I wanna apologize for this month starting out a little slow for my original stories. The 5th page of Alpha to Zeta Z was mega high effort so it took a lot longer than expected (and its literally just a cute pinup style piece buthey, it is what it is) regardless, page 6 and 7 are already mapped out and even though I haven't lined them, I have developed a new way of doing the lettering that actually greatly speeds up that process.

With that said, you're noticing commission stuff being posted, that's cuz there's a lot, and I mean A LOT of commission stuff thats on the stove right now cooking. What slows that process down is getting approval from the people who commission it.

But you guys are great for being so patient. I hope to have some kind of update on Alpha to Zeta Z tomorrowish, as well as some more commission stuff (Particularly porky daffy and the start of two other auto closet commissions) throughout the start of next week.

Basically you're going to be seeing a variety of auto closet stuff this month, more so than normal, as we are only a couple pages away from the start of the first transformation in Alpha to Zeta Z.

So please bear with me while I get all the issues smoothed out, right now I'm also fighting a case of food poisoning, which also really really really fucked things up.

So regardless, things are going surprisingly good, I hope you guys are enjoying what's being shown so far!



I understand, I know I can’t always get back to you really quick sorry but just know we all understand. You mean a lot to us.


I don't mind the time it takes for response, but I feel the transparency of me letting everyone know its a factor in delays is needed. ^^


Take the time that you need Kivala, you've never ceased to impress with your work :)