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Imagine if you will

A game that lets you choose between lets just say 3 types of males

And then allows you to drop one of those bois onto a conveyor belt

Then the belt moves and as it does, you get to select devices to change said male into a final product.

Basically it'd be like you're playing one of my comics?

Its an idea I've had floating around in my head for a hot minute, and I'm finally starting to try to learn how to make games so I can make it a possibility.

But as of right now nothing like that is going to happen until I finish what I got going on now.

But if its something you guys are interested in, I'd love make it happen in the near future.

You could think of it sort of like a point and click adventure mixed with a visual novel.

Let me know what you guys think about this idea.



sounds interesting... maybe have "pre-teen" " teen" " young adult", being sent to/punished by "daycare" "summer camp" "rehab/prison alternative"


Sounds interesting.


Sounds really neat, almost like something you'd see on new newgrounds back in the day. Minus the fetish content, of course.


Would love to. See it


That sounds awesome


Yes Yes YES!


Yes please


great idea