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So I finally sat down and looked at my analytics. Despite having a learning disability that makes recognizing numbers kind of difficult, I'm actually fairly decent at math and correlating events with dates, those dates with times of growth on the patreon/other platforms.

To put it short, I discovered that the times I have a active, ongoing Minzy comic being updated regularly are the times I get the most growth in supporters.

This blows me away because I honestly believed my parody work using pre-existing stories and characters and modifying brought in the most attention. Mainly because people are the most vocal about wanting to see those things (I can't blame them, I want to see more artists do things like create expanded versions of classic cartoon/game tg scenarious).

The thing is I figured characters with long histories would be the thing that people would want to see the most but the numbers are showing me that people want to see my characters just as much.

This is hard for me to grasp because I, like so many other artists do not think that highly of my own creations or work and it might come off as humble bragging but I'm not, I just didn't realize how important the Minzy comics were to the growth of my art career.

Finding out people like those stories so much puts a lump in my throat and makes me very happy but also makes me sad I haven't been making them as regularly as I should!

I know the parody comics are important and I intend on doing them at the same pace I have been, but I can see now that so are my characters and I hope to have a the next chapter in the Minzy saga uploaded very, very soon.

So I have to know from you guys, which is it you prefer? The minzy stories, or the parodies? Or both?

Sound off in the comments, I want to hear what you guys and gals have to say.



I prefer the Minzy stories to be honest, but both are still quite enjoyable to see ^^


I think it boils down to originality. The parodies and alt endings are fun, certainly, but everything involving Minzy is all new and playfully malignant. Who doesn't enjoy watching her dream up new tortures for her targets?


Minzy comics are great, and so are the parodies! But the Minzy comics most consistently hit the right buttons for me. Overall though, I can't wait for the Make-a-Nymph remake.