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Holy crap I can't remember the last time I spent this much time on a single character piece. 'realism' is not my forte and has never been. This is my third attempt at it this year, honestly I'm actually surprised I liked it as my previous two attempts were not very pleasing to me. Now of course I've got issues with this piece, its no where near where I wanted it to be, but considering how bad my first attempt at 'realism' went, I can say I'm a lot happier with this one than that.

I gave her boob veins cuz I lowkey love boob veins.

Also if you had told my goofy ass 5 years ago I'd be able to free-hand-paint-hands without reference I would have laughed at you and never spoken to you again because I would have figured you were a crazy ass liar with far too high expectations of me.

Like seriously, I genuinely enjoy drawing hands now.



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