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TRYING SUPER HARD WITH THIS COMIC to not get bogged down with ideas, gags, dialogue and things like that. This is a preview from page 3, Page 2 literally just needs some touchup work and it'll be ready.

I want to know if you guys genuinely like the cut-aways and story aspect of JocGo Epilogue. I worry that you didn't. I felt like it was super fun to tie threads together, have a common theme in the comic, have jokes that don't get punchlines until later in the comic.

I am once again punishing a shitty person in Alpha to Zeta. As the story unfolds with this one you'll learn just what kind of a person he is.

I really want to try to make every transformation bit in this comic look as good as possible. Anyway, here's a the buffest boy I've transformed yet hanging out in Minzy's basement before he gets punished.



Morgan Allsing

I think joc-go was one of the best story driven TG stories I’ve read in a long time! Seeing it build up to a crescendo of tg, both of the protag and the antagonist. Made it more satisfying whence they get their comeuppance. You had good pacing also. I have seen other stories, where it takes to long for the antagonist to get it, and they keep on being a bully, which just left a bad taste in my mouth. I quite enjoyed it very much. And whenever you choose to do story driven pieces, I’ll be looking forward to them. It’s those and Bantu raid that made me choose to support you on Patreon😊

kivalagracia (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 05:01:18 <3 Thank you that means a lot. I want to have these next 3 Minzy stories to be story driven too and punishing to the people going through it. I'm glad the payoff was worth it. The good thing about these stories is I plan to continue to hint at previous stories and the Gyaru Staru one will be a two parter like Jocgo and Jocgo epilogue!
2020-06-10 06:41:56 <3 Thank you that means a lot. I want to have these next 3 Minzy stories to be story driven too and punishing to the people going through it. I'm glad the payoff was worth it. The good thing about these stories is I plan to continue to hint at previous stories and the Gyaru Staru one will be a two parter like Jocgo and Jocgo epilogue!

<3 Thank you that means a lot. I want to have these next 3 Minzy stories to be story driven too and punishing to the people going through it. I'm glad the payoff was worth it. The good thing about these stories is I plan to continue to hint at previous stories and the Gyaru Staru one will be a two parter like Jocgo and Jocgo epilogue!


I loved the story elements in JocGo, but there is something to be said about the occasional simple concept comic, something like your old Nymph-o-matic piece.