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Written there on the paperwork form your test results, in black and white, is the starting bells of your new life. Your body will change, completely and when it is said and done the once young man you were will be replaced with a fertile, voluptuous woman who is a sort of parody of a woman or a exemplification of goddess like perfection—depending on who you ask. Regardless, the being you will become is so far removed from what you were it will be beyond hard to adjust, but that is okay—you have a strong, well adjusted, and supportive friend. A best friend.

Today we are talking about the Supportive/Kind best friend TG trope. Now the particular catalyst of change is not as important to this discussion as the aftermath that follows. The Kind Best Friend is one you see crop up in TG stories written by more romance inclined hentai mangas or just run of the mill mainstream tg media. In Japan, TG is referred to as TSF (a little hint if you wanna search it on pixiv) and it has a myriad of TG tropes of its own that I will explore eventually.

The Kind Best friend is one I find particularly charming and hot, but in a more romantic way. There’s something particularly adorable about these stories and one in particular sticks out—Aji Pantarou’s  Onna ni Natte Koishite. Without giving away spoilers, the story does include a male going through an unwanted transition into girlhood and consults his best friend before it happens. As the story unfolds and it’s a short but sweet one, we see the protag come to grips with her new female desires and ultimately we all know how these kinds of things end.

What makes Aji Pantarou’s work so standout for me and why I like it so much is he does not draw faceless male protags. The male characters are drawn attractive, but not overly so. The females are incredibly expressive and pretty but most importantly there is a warmth to many of his TSF stories and that is the very foundation that the Kind Best Friend Trope is built on.

A kind best friend can be reluctant, but never is cruel. They may desire their new friends feminine form, but are mostly never the first to act on it unless the evidence is strong that there wont be rejection or at the very least that the overall reaction will not be overtly negative.

The kind best friend trope half way extends to another of Aji’s work, Wagazuma tonare Yuusha yo. This story has a kind best friend, but he is one hundred percent the one responsible for his childhood friend’s transformation. While I’ll talk more about this story in a ‘mischievous’ best friend trope exploration, the overall message of this story is still that of a best friend kindly looking out for his pal; even if he has to turn his pal into a demoness concubine to show him a better, happier, safer life.

Romance is usually a strong driving force in these types of stories and while I myself really enjoy my cruelty driven TG transformations with unapologetic antags and completely reluctant victims, its hard to deny the sexual and emotional heat of this particular trope when it is handled right.

Now I’ve spoken a lot about Aji’s work, but there are a myriad of other hentai artists who tackle this trope. Now, I should over state that we are talking about male best friends. I will go into lesbian-tg tropes in the future.

Overall the Kind Best Friend is supportive, but can be reluctant, is loving, but not overly pervish. They may choke their chicken to the thought of their best friend, sneak a look at their cleavage, but rarely will things dive straight into rape territory. The Kind Best friend trope usually implies a past, sometimes going back to childhood and it also implies a deep understanding of the two friends.

Overall the Kind Best Friend trope continues to endure as a TG staple, even if it can get overly mushy sometimes, for one strong reason; relatability. I think a lot of TG fans who are not phobic of the phallus as I call it, find these tropes to be interesting though experiments. Completely heterosexual male tg fans who would never ever consider screwing another man might find the thought of being transformed into some sort of walking goddess and having their best pal secretly attracted to them. They might find themselves purposely testing the friend just to see if he’d look when they leaned forward, might accidentally bounce their bottom against his lap when scooting past him in a crowded place. They might find themselves slowly succumbing to the fantasy of being underneath that very friend in the heat of sexual passion.

Someone that they’ve loved for years, who they laughed with, shared drinks with, hit on girls with, played games or sports, vented to when they were hurt. You see their Best Friend’s only real crime is that they’re not female, because if they were…. Well maybe they’d make a perfect lover, a perfect partner.

So there is a flipside to it, I know some TG fans want to be the ones doing the TGing. So either or is a possible fantasy. No matter what, the Best Friend trope hits so hard to home because here’s a person that the character already has some kind of established relationship with and now that one is a pretty lady; well maybe more than just a few late night gaming sessions can bloom from this friendship.

Anyway that was my little insight on the Kind Best Friend TG Trope.

If you guys like this stream of consciousness, please let me know and I’ll do more like it!

Also if you guys seek out any of Aji's work, please please please do your best to actually support the artist. I had my Japanese friend buy me some of Aji's mangas so I could make sure the money went straight to Aji. Not everyone has a middleman like I do, but if you do find a TG artist you like, even if they are foreign, try to find their pixiv or their twitter and find out how you can best support them if you are consuming their paid content and they are not profiting from that consumption. I know many people do go to free porn sites to find this stuff and we're all guilty of it, but if you do find these artists work at these places, and you REALLY like it, support them. Nothing makes us artists more likely to continue to do what we're doing than your support. I currently own 3 of Aji's works and working on getting an entire collection. Its worth what they're asking. Thank you.


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