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Well its February and you know what that means.... that's right, its another month in the year.

Lets all hope that it goes better than January did.

I wont lie, I'm beyond miserable about the loss of my cat... it doesn't seem real. To put things into perspective, the cat I lost in 2019 wasn't that old, not young by any stretch, but a beautiful, seemingly healthy boy who had so much love to give that I'm already choking up typing this out.

The cat that passed in January of this year on the other hand was well up there in age, though we don't know the exact age, she could have been as old (by the vet's guestimation) as 14-15 years.

So I knew she could start going down hill at anytime, I just couldn't handle it happening so soon after the last cat.

Despite writing very devious and mean characters, I'm a bit of an emotional person. I have very strong attachments to my pets and loved ones, some would even say I'm a bit too expressive of my feelings when I love someone or a pet.

I'm also a very, very strong proponent of the importance of grieving without fear of judgement and the importance of just grieving in general.

But this time.... I'm heart broken and so in shock by this constant barrage of sad events that its like I'm unable to fully process it. It really really is scaring me. I want to stop and just be my normal, overly sentimental self and just bawl my eyes out, laugh about the good times, grieve like I normally do, but its like my heart is shutting down the blast doors to prevent further damage.

I hate feeling like this.

So I hope you guys don't mind my short absence there, it was all I could do to just want to get out bed in the morning.

With that said, I will be trying to produce at least a single page of a comic or a commission a day with JocGoEpilogue pages popping up in between.

There are some interested in Abra and the Psychic Showdown, while the first pages aren't ready to be released in any grand fashion, I do hope to release SOMETHING in the next few days of it, if all goes well. I find I sometimes work better if I'm working on more than one comic at a time.


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