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I greatly apologize for no updates lately/art/anything.

I'm pretty heart broken right now. Those of you who follow me on dA know my current situation. I can't say much as of what is going on, but I might need to take a few extra days off after tomorrow to get my head together and recoup. Know that I love every single one of my patrons and I promise to be back very soon with a lot of new art, including some progress on everyone's commissions.

But my heart is split into a bunch of tiny pieces right now because I'm probably going to have to say goodbye to sweetest little kitty I ever had the great pleasure of knowing, loving, and calling my own. I want to thank everyone who has supported me up until this point, full details on what's going on tomorrow if I feel up for it.

Thank you all.




Take your time. Loss is something one deals with at their own pace. I wish you happiness.


Oh man, I am so, so sorry to hear that. I truly wish there was something that could help.


don't feel that you have to harm yourself to appease the fans, take the time to grieve, or else you'll simply do more damage to yourself and by extensition your work. This is a way to think it through in a way that even someone who prioratises work, and efficiancy, can process things in a healthy way. So, Again, take all the time you need.