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this episode man... 😅😭



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2022-11-27 01:32:23 was sad I couldn't join live this time but looking forward to the next ep! I think choreo isn't really banktwo's main thing but a number of them do teach classes. This is one of my favourites by Busybe and Rkls (he's not on the show). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc1P8kFZZV0&list=RDSc1P8kFZZV0&start_radio=1 Think the song just wasn't the right vibe for Busybe. Lots of drama tho and I love your predictions on future story arcs haha. They make a lot of sense! Now let's see if it comes true hehe
2022-09-04 14:43:23 was sad I couldn't join live this time but looking forward to the next ep! I think choreo isn't really banktwo's main thing but a number of them do teach classes. This is one of my favourites by Busybe and Rkls (he's not on the show). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc1P8kFZZV0&list=RDSc1P8kFZZV0&start_radio=1 Think the song just wasn't the right vibe for Busybe. Lots of drama tho and I love your predictions on future story arcs haha. They make a lot of sense! Now let's see if it comes true hehe

was sad I couldn't join live this time but looking forward to the next ep! I think choreo isn't really banktwo's main thing but a number of them do teach classes. This is one of my favourites by Busybe and Rkls (he's not on the show). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc1P8kFZZV0&list=RDSc1P8kFZZV0&start_radio=1 Think the song just wasn't the right vibe for Busybe. Lots of drama tho and I love your predictions on future story arcs haha. They make a lot of sense! Now let's see if it comes true hehe


Man these judges (similar to my thoughts re: SWF)… I wish they would bring actual battle judges for the no respect battles and the idol judges can judge the team performances or something because these idol judges are NOT IT…. I KNOW I NEED TO CHILL BUT I CAN’T WITH THEM DOING MY MAN 5000 DIRTY LIKE THAT! Whatever man, I can see the redemption arc coming for my babies Mbitious tho!


Also, you should totally watch Who’s The Boss: The Real Street Dance Battle sometime, if you haven’t yet! It’s a 6-episode series on YouTube where 12 street dancers (hip hop, tutting, locking, etc.) battle for the top spot. 5000, Tutat, J Black, etc are some of the street dancers on it. The episodes are 30-1hr long so much shorter than Mnet shows lol