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Thank you to everyone who participated.  Here are the winners:
Jordan   Battle   
Julia Seals   
Laticia Henry   
Ashley   Matthews   
Latasha Vinson   
Erica Jones   
Julius Lee   
Ashley Bonds   
Angelina   Briscoe   
Louis Gonzales   
Colette Horne   
Candace Carter   
Brittany Cunningham   
Khadijah Percy   
Lucinda   Scott-Willoughby   
Ulisa Melvin   
Tamecia   Epps    
Marcia Jones   
Acacia   shepherd   
Candice   Bailey    
Stefanee   Beauford   
K Rixson   
Azoacha Forcheh   
Tavaria Miller   
Andrea Strong

If you were a winner a copy can be purchased here. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=fat+on+fat+off&crid



Congratulations everyone