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Let’s be honest there’s Hardly any big names. These are a lot of new faces. They’re funny. But you don’t know them.

I can tell you this is one of the WILDEST shows we’ve ever had. If y’all buy tickets we will do ok. If not. It will be a bomb. Cuz regular people ain’t gonna tap in for a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE THEY DONT KNOW. BUT YALL SUPPORT THE VISION!!





Got my tickets! Had to wait until some $$$ hit. Times Be Hard out here in these streets. Lol


Kev, check out Flex Alexander's convo with Affion Crockett and tell us what you think of acting as the plug in linking "old school / traditional" comedians with KYD audience. https://youtu.be/-g8o9rk_Ef4 I'm a fan of comedy and live in a small town where few if any of these folks are coming to perform so I'm buying my ticket every time. Besides that, you've proven your commitment to introducing us to quality people. As with anything in life, every thing ain't for everybody but of 7 or 8 people on the lineup, SOMEbody gonna hit for me.