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So i wanted to give you guys the context and surrounding info for this topic. 

So here's what went viral


Here's Pengs full set and Tony's full set 


Peng's interview after



Peng Dang bringing up Tony Hinchcliffe

Last week in Austin, I got to bring up Tony Hinchcliffe. This is what he said. Happy Asian (AAPI) Heritage Month!


that bear over there

There's been racist anti-AAPI jokes on KYD and i have messaged kev (and the comedians) about it. I've also left comments about it, and unfortunately a common reply i have gotten from Kev's audience is 'AAPI aren't dscriminated against, aren't oppressed, so it's ok to make these jokes' and 'well, china/some other asian country is treating black people bad in their country, so until that's addressed, asian-americans deserve it.' With the rise in AAPI hate crimes, what isn't talked about is the strained relationship between the black and asian american communities and where this strain comes from. How asian-american history is not taught in schools and therefore asian-americans continue to be treated as foreigners in their own country. How these stereotyping jokes feed into that narrative that asian-americans are the 'other'- be it ivy-league educated, rich, privileged.--- even though none of those stereotypes fit the 6 asian women shot in atlanta. the 'asian men have small dicks' joke comes from the days where america found a cheap source of labor for building the railroads by using chinese immigrants. but not wanting them to establish a home in the u.s., they banned all chinese women from immigrating. so therein begins the emasculation of chinese/asian-american men. then with a long string of hollywood depictions of yellowface to asian men being sexless nerds (long duk dong in 'sixteen candles' is one of many examples), it is now deeply embedded in american culture. it's something every asian-american boy has to wrestle with growing up. it's an added layer to the anxiety of 'what if no girls like me?' because american culture is designed around not being attracted to asian men. the sexualization of asian women comes from the overseas occupations of american troops at war in korea and vietnam. in those war-torn countries, many women were forced into sex slavery either directly by occupying forces/soldiers or by the lack of alternative economic options. the trope of asian women being hypersexual and subservient is because entire generations of american soldiers experienced asian women as 'willing' sex slaves when in reality they were pushed into it and systemically raped. we dont teach these things in american schools because we wouldn't want to burst the illusion that these wars were just. so when that atlanta shooter says these asian massage spas are sexually tempting him, it comes from a long history of americans seeing asian women purely as sexual objects. it didn't even cross his mind to shoot up a strip club instead. he drove to THREE different asian spas to specifically target asian women. because in his mind, asian women = sex = the problem. (this is NOT a 'compare our pain' post. nothing compares to 400 years of slavery and the systemic racism that runs deep to continue to try to keep black americans down. what this is is to show you that AAPI absolutely do face discrimination, their own set of racism struggles, and what is seen as 'innocent' racist jokes/stereotypes is part of that harm.)

Antonio Williams

The C-word is basically the N-word. Commentary or not it shouldn't have come out of Tony's mouth. There's a line and whether or not it would've garnered outrage in years prior, is besides the point. You can't just hide behind "it was a joke bro" and whether or not it was intended to be malicious, it was blatantly racist. Lord knows if he said the N-word or basically said "Jamal and Shananay had chicken" or some other stereotype in a "stereotypically black" accent we'd be understandably pissed.