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Here’s the thing bonus



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In regard to the home birth part. Unfortunately many women don’t birth at home because their spouse or partner is not supportive of it. I wish more sisters took the opportunity to look into different birth options.


The ugly cat faced lady has always been a horrible person. Shes said that shes attracted to toddlers, shes said way worse(im trying to be respectful of your platform) to make is seem like shes one of those people involved with pizzagate(she deleted over 13,000 tweets from the past decade but nothing is really deleted off the Internet🤔 and it's super easy to find).. but heres my thing... Shes such a horrible person (it has been proven many times by this point) I stopped supporting her husband cus hes gotta know shes trash buckets but he chose to look over that and I cant get down wit that.. you are the company you keep and her company is BIG 🗑🗑🗑🗑