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So thanks to a stage krew member and this article.


I am now aware that it is considered insensitive to hold contests for graphic designers. I thought it was a way to see people who may not have a website or portfolio yet. But I see that it isn’t taken that way.

So instead. Graphic designers please send your website and/or portfolio to admin@kevonstage.com.

I will reach out to the one who I thin best fits the thing I need.

Thank you to the stage krew member who brought this to my attention. I appreciate the time you took.

- Kev




Hmmm... So if you have a contract before you start designing, what happens if the customer doesn't like any of your designs? 🤔


You work that out with the customer beforehand. Designers go over what the customer is looking for, styles they like, etc. That way both people are on the same page. It makes it easier to pin down a perfect design, cuts down on wasting time on the wrong ones. And usually the customer agrees on a number of changes to the final piece


Dope article. I had no idea. Way to go Tahir taking in the information and adjusting your approach to respect the graphic designers point of view. ✊🏾