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PATRON ONLY: Here's The Thing Bonus 08-28-20



I am here for it, Angel! Thank you for being you!


I just want to caution you all from making generalized statements about teachers. I am a teacher and some of your statements about teachers not caring and stereotyping students stung to hear. I know that it happens and I talk to my friends and family members with kids all the time about teaching their children to behave in class to avoid being typecast as “the bad kid” or “class clown”; however, in my classroom I make it a point to interact with the child who comes in my classroom and not the one I have heard rumors about. If I know that a parent works longer hours and doesn’t have the time, I spend more time with those students on their work during lunch, flex time, or in class during independent work time to ensure that they are getting extra help that they won’t receive at home. I and many of my colleagues will also schedule conferences outside of the regular school day, whether via Google Meet or just staying after and I am fortunate to be able to do so because I don’t have children of my own to get home to. Don’t assume that teachers don’t want to do more...many do but they can’t neglect their own families and other responsibilities to do so. S/N I love the podcast!