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Hello friends 

I’ve got your constant messages on theological Thursdays.  “Do it Kev!” “Kev don’t do it!” Lol.  

It is important to me to have these discussions.  It’s important to me as a creator to use my discipline to create the art I need to see.  I get that it may not be for everyone.  

It isn’t my goal to create a divisive comment section in the Stage Krew.  I am gonna do my best to make this series as helpful as possible.  I get that it may not be for everyone.  It is ok to not watch this content if you don’t want too.  But I feel the need to make it. 

As always we can discuss and disagree without being hurtful.  To make that easier and also to make sure I can edit what may need to be edited you guys will get it after it’s shot.  Will still give you and ad free version but it won’t be live.  





So, you deleted the interviews from everywhere? I can't watch here OR on YouTube??? Serious question..... I'm taking accelerated classes this summer, so I don't always get to watch in a timely manner. My thing is, I feel like the info is beneficial to SOMEONE, may not be EVERYONE...... But I was looking forward to listening to the interviews. Idk, I don't want you to lose your following but, I'm also a part of your following and I don't see why you can't create your content that can be consumed by different audiences and that be that. Honestly, I've been in the church my ENTIRE life and from the brief clip that I saw on the Jackie interview, I believe that I can definitely relate to her story. Oh well, I'm done. I guess I'll just have to buy the book 🤷🏽‍♀️


I never comment, I never want to be ‘that person’ but I was so hurt and confused to find some of these videos taken down. These have been great conversation starters and great talking points. The ones that don’t think so, don’t have to watch them. Even if it’s not live or even if it’s not public....it’s like every other video: not your thing? Swipe accordingly. Let the ones that want to view it, do just that. Jackie was dropping GEMSSSSSS. And a lot of times I watch from work and go back and rewatch later. I send to people to cultivate conversation. Well...I know ultimately you’re gonna do what you want, and I respect that. I just really wanted to verbalize how I felt so you know everyone isn’t against this