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Pretty big YouTuber

Watch her apology before the show



A Message



Here’s the thing. I don’t think what Jenna Marbles did was wrong. She did it during the time where that type of content was acceptable. When SHE realized that was actually not acceptable, she made the videos private so no one could ever see it AGAIN. Wether she took it down or made it private is irrelevant, because people already saw it, made copies, etc., but she did her part to make sure it never went out from her and from what I can tell since I’ve followed her, she has never done anything like that again. To go back in people’s past and judge them for something they did when it’s CLEAR they have not done anything like that since is a travesty. I was a borderline alcoholic the first few years I was in the Navy and did some very stupid stuff. It was the first time I was on my own. I was far away from my parents and family, so I went HAM while living in Southern California. When I realized I was doing things that went against the morals I was taught I got myself back in line and moved on with life. If anyone tries to go back and find pictures or videos of what I did then and try to judge me when my life has clearly shown that was a blip on the radar, I would wonder what their true motives were. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I’m not understanding why as a society, we are trying to hold people accountable for things that were done as people are trying to grow and understand life. If a person has shown that they haven’t learned and are still doing the same offense acts, then yes, their past is relevant, because it shows a TREND. But a blip on a radar does not mean that a person should be condemned for the rest of their life. Just my thoughts.


Is there a reason I can’t see this one ?