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Question: Did Bruce Lee ever talk about Yip Man? And does your guest think the "Ip Man" movies and shows are accurate?


Do you have any tips for adults who want to learn self defense?


You should check out my colleague's website at www.studyofviolence.com. Self-defense is really the preparation stuff. It's what taking care of the 100 things that went wrong that necessitated the use of techniques. This video kind of explains it and gives you a taste of what's in that site i just mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A9J7w4pbFE&feature=youtu.be


Bruce more publicly spoke about Yip Man then his other teacher Fook Yeung. The interesting thing, is that the one who could be given credit for really teaching Bruce Wing Chun in Hong Kong was the late Wong Shong Leung. Wong was the one who helped prove the effectiveness of Yip Man's teachings as he went undefeated in MANY street fights. Bruce had to learn from Wong at Yip Man's insistence due to the rest of Yip Man's students finding out Bruce was 1/4 German (from his Mom's side). Yip Man was known to not teach non-chinese so when the students made a stink about Bruce's ancestry, Yip Man was forced to no longer teach Bruce "publicly"; hence he had Wong take over teaching him. But Yip Man would periodically check on Bruce's progress. But Bruce owe'd a lot to Wong & Fook Yeung. Fook Yeung was Bruce's unknown teacher from 1959 to 1967 or 68 in Seattle. He taught Bruce the forms you see Bruce doing in his screen test for the Green Hornet that you can easily find on YouTube in many iterations. As for the Ip Man movies, they are like most biopics, an exaggeration of the truth. Especially as the sequels keep coming. He did teach in Foshan, He did have a wife and two sons, and was forced to move to Hong Kong.