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What is intersectionality?



This was amazingg


With our new found understanding of intersectionality, I was thinking should we reopen the Monique case? Think about, how many black women have had a Netflix Original special since. You have Leslie Jones, Wanda Sikes and Tiffinay Hadish n company. I say n company because Tiffany split her check to put them on. Which makes it feel like Netflix did it to reach a quota without having to spend extra on their budget. This is 4 specials out of 248 specials. This is 1.6 % of the Netflix specials since 2017. Knowing how hard it is for black women to prove discrimination at the work place because they either have to say its because their black or because they are women. People made the argument well there are black men with specials and there are white women with specials but we didn't take into consideration intersectionality. People also said it was because she hadn't done anything recently but we see they gave specials to people who we haven't seen for years but only 2 happen to be black and a woman. People also said that they weren't doing comedy specials at that time, but since they have been doing specials, still only 1.6 % of them have black women. And to be clear when I say people. I am including my self. And people were saying she was hard to work with based on Will Packer and Oprah. Let's not forget, the reason why Monique didn't like Oprah is because Oprah planned to have her on the show and then suprised her by saying she was also going to have her rapist/uncle and Monique's mother on the show who stood by her uncle instead of her child and when Monique said she wasn't going to be apart of it, Oprah had her child molester and mother on the show anyway. And with Will Packer, Monique only got paid 50K for Precious and they then wanted her to leave her family and promote this movie For Free. If a man would have demanded that he be paid, he would not have been black balled. I think that Monique could have addressed it better, but how she addressed it shouldn't be the focus what she addressed should have been the focus. We low key Kaepernicked her. I can't say that I'm willing to boycott Netflix because we are in a Pandemic and many of us are in the house ALL Day. But we can at least show Netflix we support black women and that there is a demand and it is profitable to have black women comedians on there so Monique and others can at least get their coin. With your new journey in understanding the plight of black women and supporting black women, I hope you address this in a podcast in the near future.