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What up #RightPack!! Just wanted to drop y’all a line and say what’s up. I’ve got some personal things that I’m working through, that I’m not quite ready to talk about. I was with Kev and Melissa today, and they are really helping me in this time of need. I’m good, and everyone is healthy, I just gotta take some time and readjust. We came to the decision that it would be best if I take a small sebaticle from making content, and I plan to return on July 4th. Until then, enjoy some of the homies as they fill in for me, and keep me in your prayers. Miss all y’all, see you on the 4th of July! 🙌🏽🙌🏽





Take care of yourself Do. Praying for you and missing you already!


Sending prayers and love your way