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Tap inwardly



Live cam 3.10.20



The disrespect of Silk ( Freak me, Meeting in my Bedroom, If you, Lets make Love, Girl you for me) 🔥🔥🔥🔥!


THAT. IS. IT. Doboy, grow your hair. Don’t never let a man who has gone through the pain of a receding hairline tell you to reduce your lavish locks. That’s like letting a 53 year old fresh divorcée (whose husband left her for a 25-year old) tell you not to marry your successful, handsome fiancé. You in your hair prime and that divorcée is bitter. Of course your hair look a mess if you just wake up and throw a hat atop your colossal coils, sans product and sponge brushing. Grow your hair and slang it in the face of all your balding peers. Spend all summer coming up out of the water in pools and slow motion throwing backwards water arcs. Give Toni something to grab onto and rub her fingers through.