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Sharing this in case it helps. Tithing is not about what the pastor does or what he buys. The Bible commands us to tithe. I've been blessed to to tithe since I was a teenager and I have never seen it as a sacrifice or something I'm missing. My parents taught me to tithe on $10 and it became second nature no matter what my gross statement says on my paycheck. I truly know it is God's money and it doesn't belong to me - I actually feel guilty if it stays in my account too long because I've missed a service or an online payment. Whether I have a church home or not I have found there is always a church that you can send your tithes to in order to help the ministry continue. I have shared my testimony with friends and when they started tithing first, they have shared also that there has never been more month than money when they make sure that God gets his money back first.


Religious representatives like ministers, pastors, priests, etc... are supposed to be following a spiritual path which means not coveting material possessions. That doesn't mean living in poverty or renouncing what you own, but by nature they shouldn't want excess or high luxury, much less make others (esp. children) feel inferior and left out