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The Airship Andalusia's Lift-o-Pedia - Volume 1 (Image Series, PDF Format)

Introducing The Airship Andalusia's definitive reference guide to all things heavy and those marvelous, massively muscular meat mallet mavens who lift them: Lift-o-Pedia, Volume 1. The guide features our favorite characters from the past two years doing what they do best: lifting things. 

So, enjoy a little stroll down a mouthwateringly muscular memory lane as you reacquaint yourself with Lady Aleksa Krane, Lady Amelia Blacksmoke, Angel, Cee, Lady Cordelia Andalusia, Daisy Mae Dalton, Djinn, Ellie Mae Dalton, Fatima, Lady Gaiani, the Librarian, Miss Ophelia Archimedes, Lady Penelope Philpott Neathergarden, Pook, Sallie Mae Dalton, Shay, Shira, Lady Shireen Cristo, Skaia, Snap, Teez, Thweela, and Vindeen.


DISCLAIMER: The Airship Andalusia is still AI-Free, creating original characters and stories since 2017.

Stories and art by Aaron Hanson (c) 2023-2024.




What an incredible collection! Thanks so much for this spectacularly wonderful collection. Bravo!

Aaron Hanson

I’m glad you like them, Darrell14! Sometimes it’s nice to take a trip down memory lane.

