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Mashers - Part 4B - Breaking Down & Picking Up (Graphic Novel Format, PDF Version) 

When you're over 1,000 years old, chances are that you've done a lot of different jobs during your millennium of existence. Take Cee, otherwise known as the Caretaker of Ringship 172. She's been a bicycle courier, a cutter pilot, a badlands pirate, a marshal, and an airship steward, just to name a few. These days, underwear modeling, private muscle shows, and calf flexing competitions just aren't bringing in enough to pay the bills. So, she decides to take her assets and look for new job to help her get by. But, finding work in the communities of the Carthaginian Badlands is a tough job in and of itself! 

She asks around and gets a lead -- a business in town needs a new employee. Seizing the opportunity, Cee sets her sights on landing the job. But, nothing is ever that easy. There's a lot of flexing and lifting and crushing that needs to be done. Will she be able to handle it all? 

Now on Patreon -- Mashers - Part 4B, featuring the mouthwateringly muscled and catastrophically calved monster meat mallet maven, Cee.  Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: No AI was used or abused in the making of this art and the writing of this story.

Stories and art by Aaron Hanson (c) 2023



Tomas Simek

I think fell in love with this girl. 1000 Year old You told? Really good genes :D


Absolutely love your work! By the way are all the girls equally strong? Or there differences? And what is their strength limit (if there is one)?

Aaron Hanson

Thank you for kind words, Lorenzo. I’m glad you are enjoying the art and stories. You raise a good question. I’ve never thought to explore the limits of the characters’ strength. I would say that the strongest characters would be Lady Penelope, Lady Aleksa, Teez, Cee, Daisy Mae Dalton, Djinn, Thweela, and Shira.