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Mashers - Sneak Peek

When you're over 1,000 years old, chances are that you've done a lot of different jobs during your millennium of existence. Take Cee, otherwise known as the Caretaker of Ringship 172. She's been a bicycle courier, a cutter pilot, a badlands pirate, and an airship steward, just to name a few. These days, underwear modeling, private muscle shows, and calf flexing competitions just aren't bringing in enough to pay the bills. She decides she needs a new job to help her get by. But, finding work in the communities of the Carthaginian Badlands is a tough job in and of itself! 

She asks around and gets a lead -- a business in town needs a new employee. Seizing the opportunity, Cee sets her sights on landing the job. But, nothing is ever that easy. There's a lot of flexing and lifting and crushing that needs to be done. Will she be able to handle it all?

Coming soon to Patreon -- Mashers, featuring the mouthwateringly muscled and catastrophically calved monster meat mallet maven, Cee.

Here's a sneak peek -- for your viewing pleasure!


DISCLAIMER - No AI was used or abused in the making of this art of the writing of this story.

Stories and art by Aaron Hanson (c) 2023




This one’s gonna be 🔥🔥🔥