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The Contessa of Mont de Cristo - Chapter 3 - Getting Gibbs (Graphic Novel Format, PDF Version)

One moment you're a salty Badlands pirate captain and the next you're an exquisitely-coutured Sovereign royal. What kind of life do you live when you are Sovereign royalty and a Badlands airship pirate? Ask Lady Shireen, the tall, busty, statuesque, and beautifully-muscled Gifted Sovereign Lady and Contessa of Mont de Cristo, and she'll tell you: "A dangerous one!" Constant challenges, competing interests, Sovereign and Achaemeni interference with your family business... oh, the list goes on and on.

Here is Chapter 3 of The Contessa of Mont de Cristo.


DISCLAIMER -- No AI was used or abused in the writing of this story or the making of this art.

Stories and art by Aaron Hanson (c) 2023



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