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As fans of The Airship Andalusia, you know that the stories feature muscular women with bodies that no amount of weight training or pharmacology can produce. Their musculature is the result of extreme physiological and biochemical enhancement brought about by the presence of nanotechnology in their bodies — devices known as heterophages. Grafted to human physiology before the spacefaring period known as The Expansion, when humanity was still confined to Earth, the function of the heterophage was to prepare human anatomy to withstand the rigors of prolonged space flight. The implanted technology worked as planned and in the centuries that followed as humanity explored the solar system, discovered Forerunner artifacts, and used those artifacts to colonize the galaxy, the heterophages evolved to the point where they could no longer be distinguished from the body’s biological components. The only evidence of their existence was the enhanced, hyper-muscular bodies and augmented abilities of the women who would be called Augmenteds, or Augs, across the galaxy-spanning Directorate and Gifted Sovereign Ladies throughout the Ott Dynasty.

Stories of heterphage-enhanced humans from the universe of The Airship Andalusia are set in three eras of humanity’s future: the post-apocalyptic Aftermath, the space opera Directorate, and the steampunk Ott Dynasty.  Examples from each period are:

The Aftermath — Armageddon Express 

Directorate — Mission to Minassi 

Ott Dynasty — The Airship Andalusia

So, my question to all the Patrons of The Airship Andalusia is this:

of the three periods, which is your favorite?



As long as there’s tons of massive calves I’m good 👍