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Mission to Minassi — Chapter 1 -- Waiting For The Lift (PDF Version)

Meet Angel. She is a smart, strong, no-nonsense woman with a physique of otherworldly muscularity. She is also an Augmented human. As an Augmented -- humans possessing Heterophage-enhanced physical and mental abilities -- she, and others like her, are treated as third-class citizens of the Directorate. They are seen as less than human, yet exploited for their talents.

Within the galaxy-spanning Directorate, decent jobs for Augs are hard to come by. Most work as laborers or perform difficult, unsafe, or unsavory menial functions deep in the bowels of the massive planet cities in which they live.

Angel is one of the lucky ones. She is a Directorate Cutter pilot. But, she is still an Aug and that means living in the deepest levels of the city where everything is broken, run-down, and malfunctioning — including the lift she needs to take to get to her apartment.

Here's the exquisitely muscled Contessa of Calves and Queen of Quads, Angel, in Mission to Minassi.




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