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The Inexplicable Adventures of Ellie Mae and Sallie Mae - The Dalton Twins - Chapter1, Part 1

The Dalton Family has been a thorn in the sides of the Sovereign and the Sky River Station constabulary for years. As equal opportunity criminals, the Daltons can be found hijacking a Sovereign freight train one day and raiding a Badlanders' merchant caravan the next -- and killing anyone who gets in their way.

But, not all the Daltons are "thieving, ornery varmints" to quote Sky River Station's Constable, Eustus Stonemaaker.

Ellie Mae and Sallie Mae Dalton are anything but ruthless criminals. Kind and compassionate with hearts almost as big as their ample breasts and massive, muscular calves, the twins are not your regular Daltons. Lithe, statuesque, and muscular, Ellie Mae and Sallie Mae are simple, unsophisticated country girls left to tend to the Dalton homestead while their eight brothers and one sister are away pillaging, looting, and murdering.

After morning chores, Sallie Mae goes off to help their neighbor, Petey, with his tractor, leaving Ellie Mae to prepare for a special visitor -- her childhood sweetheart, now Field Surveyor for the Sovereign Geographers Guild, Telemachus Gray. Having been apart for 15 years, Ellie Mae is not quite sure how Telemachus will react to her transformation from skinny little girl to outrageously buxom muscular powerhouse. She nervously prepares for his visit unaware that an unexpected adventure awaits them both.

Here is The Inexplicable Adventures of Ellie Mae and Sallie Mae - The Dalton Twins.


DISCLAIMER -- No AI was used or abused in the making of this art or the writing of this story.


Story and art by Aaron Hanson (c) 2023



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