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If you remember last year, I messed around briefly with creating NFTs.  The idea went nowhere.  Now, I'm revisiting it as a promotional tool.  Creating them on the Polygon network instead of Etherium brings the gas fees down to almost nothing, making them ideal to give out.  I'm experimenting with a series based on Shrimp of the Firehouse.  If it goes well, I plan to incorporate NFTs in the promotion of future stories.

My plan is to distribute a promotional NFT containing a coupon code to use on Gumroad, hopefully to bring in new readers.  To reward sales on Gumroad, I created a second one to distribute to those who buy the book.

I don't know how many of you are invested in crypto or collect NFTs, but if you have a wallet compatible with the Polygon network, send me a DM here with your wallet address and I'll put you on the list.  Anyone can claim a promo NFT.  The Thank You NFT is restricted to buyers of the book, but I will include paid patrons past and present (since the book was put out last year).

Note: the Promo is limited to 2000, and the Thank You is limited to 113.  It's first come, first serve, but if there are enough "buyers," I'll put out a second Thank You NFT to meet the demand.

The NFTs can be seen here:


And if you're interested, I created another Discord server, separate from the fan server, strictly to help develop this idea and distribute the NFTs.



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