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An undercover cop, Dillon Fawkes' cover is blown and he's injected with a new super-steroid.  If he doesn't get the inhibitor drug, his size becomes too much and he'll die.  He has 30 days to track down the people behind this new drug, but going back undercover means leaving his boyfriend behind.  Did he make a mistake spending what could be his final days on the hunt?  If he succeeds, how will Travis take the new Dillon?

Spent the last week creating sets and characters.  The home turned out better than I expected, so I'm planning to run several "fantasy" sequences.  And I think I can make the motel set look different enough as he moves around.  

This is my main character as he starts out, Dillon Fawkes.  He's starting off as a short guy, but moderately built in an average kind of way.

His boyfriend Travis Laurent.  I wanted something a little opposite.  He's taller, but skinny-fat, I think.

And the home:

Edited to add the first pages for preview: