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we're finally going to see a stay-at-home order where I am.  Since I rely on public wifi to post here and bring you my work, it is unlikely I'll be able to update this page through April.  The first version of the short story Teddy Bear is now available, and if you're following my rambling videos, I am scheduling two for this story to arrive next week.  Other than that, I don't expect to post anything else.  For that reason, I have suspended the automatic payment for April.  If you stick around, your cards and accounts should not be charged on April 1.

At the end of April, I will reassess.  If it doesn't look like things have changed, I'll either find a way to put up the work I'm getting done in the meantime, or suspend the billing cycle another month...this way, you guys will have access to the back catalog if you choose to revisit old stories during your own situations without paying for the promised new content that won't arrive.

Anyway, I hope you all stay safe out there.


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