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I have to admit I got some news as I was nearing the end of David's Nightmare back in June that put me in a funk.  I was kind of afraid it ruined the fun of the series for me, but I've had a couple ideas lately that my mind is springboarding off of.  I don't know what I'll use or how it will evolve by the time I get to working on it, but you all might find some of the ideas interesting.

I'm thinking David's had enough of the size-changer and finally throws it out, but Allison "rescues" it.

Allison wants money for something, but her parents won't give it to her, so she takes a page from Alex's book and starts an online video channel.  With the size-changer, she decides to shrink her siblings and make them perform.

To keep her secret from getting out, she may start off with Aiden.  She would get him to go along with it by promising to give him half of what the videos make.  Shrinking Aiden gets old, so she finds a way to pull Jackson and/or Alex into her show.

I'm leaning towards making this one a separate story, but it may fold into the above: Allison gets mad at Jackson and uses the size-changer to grow him an inch while he's asleep.  When he shrinks back, she grows him 2 inches...then 3...and so on to make him think he's going through an unbelievable growth spurt.  She lets him get overconfident, watching him rub it into Alex when she makes him bigger than their older brother.  Then she starts reducing his height the same way until he's smaller than his starting size.

Whatever the next story ends up being, Jackson will be starting high school.  I'm envisioning a plot point where he seeks out Alex while at school, trying to act cool around him.

I'm thinking of another plot point where he wants to play football, but the coach tells him he's too scrawny.  That will finally push him to start weightlifting seriously with Alex.  this one might feed into the story with Allison's video channel, because I'm thinking Alex could use his training Jackson as a series on his own channel.

My mind is looking at a possible sequel to Simon's Lament, but admittedly I haven't thought what that might look like.  And also, since Alex's friend Chet should have graduated, I'm open to a spin-off starring him, but, again, I don't have any more of an idea than that.  Are there any other characters any of you think would make for an interesting story of their own?  Let me know.


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