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00:00 of 31.12, so, time to sum up the year)

If in previous years I did posts in this time because of time zones, in this year I do it because with with a high degree of probability I will remain 31 without electricity😅😆

In a previous year us was 239 patrons and 17 723 subs on youtube, today us 256 and almost 30 thousand, it's make me very happy😁

And I'm almost end with galleries of old games, lefts not so many)

Now, about me)

So, this year was very productive and educational for me

The main lesson of this year for me was the best way to deal with troubles)

Meet them with a smile and a notebook at hand, in which you can write all your grievances, unpleasant emotions.

 I have heard many times before "If something is bothering you, talk to someone about it"

but in this way I transfer my feelings to someone else's head, and this head too have a ton of his own problems. Speaking about problems is similar to throwing a ball to each other, and this ball can accidentally injure you or your companion even more than before the conversation.

When you writing your feelings on paper, you can't accidentally hurt somebody else by your feelings, companion can't accidentaly hurt you, and paper can't be hurted

And it really helps, in the beggining of summer I start using txt file on PC, but when I switched to real blocknote in early September, I felt that writing each letter with my own hands is much more efficient than typing on the keyboard

So, no discussions\dialogs with other people on hot topics - just a notepad, everybody reccomend)

━Political position

Each of us this year has become more politicized, I won’t write much, since we are all already full up of politics, I’ll just say that I convinced in views thich I had before 24.01.22 - if before that I had a muddy image, now I have solid ground under my feet)

(My views are have nothing similar with Nazism, as I spoke Russian, I continue to speak, and I didn't break ties with friends from Russia and Belarus only because they have a different point of view))


I have a thing that I have been studying for over a year now and this year there has been an nice progress, I will continue to work hard and next year I hope to be able to show results)

Сonsidering this year locally, I can say that I am satisfied with it, no other year has affected my personal growth like this one.

I began to value time much more, appreciate life much more, appreciate my close relatives, approved the rules of my life and, in general, became much more conscious 

I End this post with hope that next year will be at least a little calmer than this year, with hoping that 2023 give us more good and our plans that were built will be successfully executed

I wish to us became even more in new 2023 year :3
I wish you peace, motivation and success in every your endeavors and that you have already begun)

Thank you for your attention, for support, for being interesting in me and my content🥰

Happy new 2023 year😁



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