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Are you know this feeling when you come to shop, you pass by the salty, sweet or bakery products section, realised that you want something from it, back and just standing in this section half of hour or more to understand what you want?)

Similar was with me this week😆

I was a little busy, and after finishing my affairs I just choosing between games which I want to record

When I understood that I can't choose between them I decide choose randomly, by closing eyes and choose those on which will fall cursor😂

This way I chosed "Incubus 2:Camlann")

Next videos will be earlier than this time, and I'll try bring more content)

━━━Revenge of Yagiri



I knew about this game from comments, thank you for recommendation)

━━━Incubus 2 Camlann




Site long encode videos, when it ends I'll send links, like always)




Are you distributing 1080P quality files to MEGA by message now? It was a little uncomfortable to watch with 360p resolution on xvideo I'm really happy to see a clear video on MEGA this time


if the video takes a long time to encode I upload it on mega, when it ends I delete it from cloud because they are too weight (