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I found interesting *Horror* hentai game)

For this game more fits word:"Erotic",relying on content, but in preview I'll use "Hentai"

A little clickbait)

This game build on RPG Maker, well translated on russian,

If you know russian, i recommend use russian version, on russian was translated everything, in english versions - names of activities which we do before going to bathhouse, quests and inscription at the beginning of the new night are on japanese

but It's doesn't interfere you to pass game because all other was translated

(I recorded english version, when will appear japanese I'll add my translate, which oriented on russian version)))

And it remind me games from "Alibi"

(For unknown to me reasons Alibi desappear from dlsite, you can find their games(mansion, shelter, horror book and others) only on f95 and torrent trackers)


In short - I think this game become one of my favourite)


Gameplay - Nothing special

To see whole content you just need to interact with everything witch what you see and have this:

And don't skip home activity

On TV - you'll see Nyanyama 

With time will appear event with him - summoning

to do it you need remember numbers some of his victims (4927)

In Pc - you'll see project, which can be next game of this developer

In phone - in first day you'll see Main hero in swimsuit, and cats on next days, and more)

Game interesting, with light erotica, funny in some moments(I liked the gorilla story, I want to see it!) and not long, I recommend everyone to play this game)






wish you had a uncensored video of this from start to finish. i was so lost