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Like with previous year, i don't know when will be better to write it, and because of it i write now :3
This year finally coming to end xDD
 Globally this year gift to us no so many good, unfortunately it would be strange to continue writing about end of this year without these words
I want to wish you all good health and strength in the new year :3
This year was amazing, our debauchery family become got bigger, we are almost 10 thousand, it makes me very happy🥰

━━About my Goals 
Main of them almost fulfilled, it is collect more powerful PC for creating more interesting things
Practically, because now this money on deposit, and after 05.02 i'm finally will did it, and on my live channel i'll upload video with tests of it)
Thank you all for helping me here, and what are you interested in my content)
It's all thanks to you all, I really appreciate it🥰🥰
━━New Goals
In 2021 year, my main goal is learn to draw)
it's very interest me and i hope with it i'll improve all my content :3
So, this year was hard, i hope next will be better and our debauchery family will become even bigger)) 
Like in beginning of post, i want to wish you good health and strength)
So that all your undertakings come true😊
I hope new 2021 year give to us more debauchery, happy, luck and good mood then 2020
Happy new year everyone :3



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