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Three days ago, YouTube removed monetization from my channel, I didn't attach any importance to it and wanted to write about it after receiving the first transfer from AdSense, but this strange drop in viewing statistics gave me a reason to write about it earlier.

Since I didn't think that YouTube would start drowning me, I didn't take pictures of statistics earlier.

The $ icon didn’t appear next to the video, but the ads still showed until the 7th day, after which you can see a sharp decrease in views. 

Here is the power of YouTube monetization

I am glad that on September 4th I can file a second application.


Hi Leonora's debauchery,

During a recent review, our team of policy specialists carefully looked over the videos you’ve uploaded to your channel Leonora's debauchery. We found that a significant portion of your channel is not in line with our YouTube Partner Program policies. As of today, your channel is not eligible to monetize and you will not have access to monetization tools and features. Please go to your monetization page to read more about the specific policy our specialists flagged.

We know this is tough news, and sometimes we have to make difficult decisions. We have a responsibility to ensure our community is safe for creators, viewers and advertisers. At the same time, we understand that you may have unintentionally made mistakes. That’s why you’ll be able to reapply for the YouTube Partner Program in 30 days. This 30-day time period allows you to make changes to your channel to make sure it’s in line with our policies.

What this means for your channel

You’ll continue to have access to most creator features on YouTube that enable you to grow your audience, build your community, and manage your videos. You can:

  • Upload, edit, or delete your videos
  • Read, respond to, or moderate your comments
  • Analyze your channel performance in YouTube Analytics
  • Get best practices and strategic advice from Creator Academy
  • Connect to other Creators in the YouTube Help Forum

There is no change to how your videos are promoted in our search and recommendation systems.

How to monetize again

To reapply for monetization, you should start by going to the monetization page to review the policy your channel violated. Then review your videos with our YouTube Partner Program policies and our Community Guidelines in mind. The next step is to edit or delete any videos that violate our policies.

In 30 days you’ll see the option to reapply on the monetization page. If you reapply, our review team will carefully look over your content again to make sure it now meets our YouTube Partner Program policies. We will email you and update you on YouTube Studio as soon as the process is complete. This usually takes about a month.

Note that as mentioned in the Partnership Program Terms, the YouTube Terms of Service continue to apply to your use of the YouTube service even though your Partnership Program Terms are terminated.

- The YouTube Team




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