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Hi everyone!

(longish post, abbreviated version at the bottom)

A few months ago I decided to unlaunch my creator page here on Patreon. To be upfront and honest, I’m not gaining at the moment. I’ve actually been very actively working to lose weight/gain muscle/trim down since May ‘22.

However, a few longtime friends - as well as some new acquaintances - in the community have made comments here and there wondering where my videos went/if I’d ever make them available again.

After some thinking on it, I’ve decided to reopen this page as an archive of sorts for all of my gainer content from the past few years.

I’m not one much for proving myself on the internet, but I thought I’d let you all know why I’m doing this and what you can expect.

Firstly, 90% of the content for now will be things that were posted here before. For that missing 10%, I have some stuff I never put up that I’ll be throwing in the mix over time, and you never know when I’ll be feeling myself and post updated content with the new physique 😛

And second… It’s pretty inevitable that I will gain again one day. It’s something I’m meant to do, but it isn’t the right time just yet. When I do eventually get back to being a big boy, I want to have a place where not only I can reflect on the journey, but those of you who continue to support me can also share that with me. 🥳


Until I inevitably get back to chubbing up (no idea when that will be just yet)… I’m excited to get back to sharing my content with you in the form of an archive of my 2020 - 2022 gains with a hint of current content *potentially* thrown in.

I appreciate your support, and if you have any constructive questions/comments/suggestions, I’ll be happy to talk with you here. 🥳 If you have anything other than that, well… You know where to find the unsubscribe button. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Have a great day! 🥳

P.S. Be on the lookout for a few of my favorite posts back up later today 😋


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