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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well and thanks for the support, as always!

I was supposed to bring out an initial update yesterday for Sociopathic 10, but I'm not happy at all with how it's developed and struggling again with my creative block. I wanted to change the location of the comic to somewhere different because it's been such a long time since they've been in the same room, but it just doesn't look good enough with all the testing that I've done.

I've realized that I need a bit of a break and a refresh from Sociopathic 10 in order to look at it from a new POV, and decide if I really want to move it to a different location later on. So I've decided that I will pause working on the comic for now and switch over to Voyeuristic 3.

For Voy 3, I have a clear plan and know exactly what I want to do, so I'm not going to have a 'creative block' there and will get out the renders pretty fast I think. The first update will be out sometime this coming week, and then I'll decide if I'll work just on it or if I might try something new and alternate between the two comics through the month.

Sorry for the Sociopathic fans, but I just don't want to disappoint again and put out a good finale. Hopefully Voyeuristic 3 will at make up a little for it.

That being said, I want to wrap everything up by the end of this month because August is going to be Bullies 15, for which I too have a clear plan.


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