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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well!

Just letting you know that I won't post anything this weekend. I started work last week, but kind of ran into a 'writers block' of sorts, and as I've said in a comment on the other post, I ended up doing stuff that was too similar to an earlier part. I had to take a little break and refresh so I don't end up writing myself into a corner. I'm about 10 pages in now and it's looking much better.

I've also gotten a replacement part for my PC and spent the last two days stress testing it, rendering stuff and making sure I won't have a problem anymore. It's finally looking good.

Hopefully this time, for real, it's gonna be smooth sailing onwards. So I've decided to set a release date for the 1st of June for the release of the whole comic. I'm also going to pause charges again so I can catch up for what I hope will be the last time.

Then the idea is for Sociopathic 10 in June, Voyeuristic 3 in July, and Bullies 15 in August. September is likely going to be the new comic I've been developing with the girl named April I've featured a little while ago.

Sorry again for not delivering. The last 3 months or so I've had so major life adjustments to go through as many of you know, but I'm settled now and hopefully this summer will be very productive.

Take care!


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