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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well!

I've been on a sorely needed break for the last couple of weeks (since I spent the summer mostly dealing with my health instead), and only got back a few days ago.

I've spent the last few days trying some different things for the next comic, June (Personal Alarm Clock 2), and finally settled for what I want to do. But it's obviously late in the month, and with next month's holiday period in mind too, I'm probably not going to have the time for both June as well as Bullies 14.

That's why I'm pausing charges for November. I'll still be active in the comic weeks, just going to have to push Bullies a little further back until I'm done with June.

Sorry for all the Bullies fans, but I'll make it up with more pages for it when the time comes!

I'll post previews as soon as I have something good do share! Take care!😊


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