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"Autumn is a celebrity, an influencer with tens of millions of followers all over social media who is mainly known for her charity and volunteer work for the diminished, a class of people who are severely reduced in size compared to normal humans due to an event decades in the past. She travels all over the world, visiting and helping poor communities of diminished wherever she can with the means she has available and vlogging all her journeys in detail. She often adopts struggling diminished that she brings back home to care for them. And she is not shy about using her perfect body for the financial benefit of her charity organisation. Consequently, she is beloved and adored all over the world, praised by millions for her acts of kindness as well as worshipped by many others for her beauty.

But privately, when she is sure no-one is looking, she is someone else entirely, for deep inside her heart there is a darkness that she cannot contain. It always builds up when she's away, and she always needs release when she's back home. Back to her beloved pets."

Hope you guys like this character design that I've worked on for a story that I will work on sometime in the next few months. Things are not quite set in stone yet, but hopefully you get the general idea of where this is going to go. Hope you like Autumn!



john bartz

She is so gorgeous!, I´d like to see her in a growth story too. keep up the excellent work!

