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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well.

I myself am not exactly. Just like early last year, when I suspected I had Covid (but back then there were barely any tests for it), I had a relatively mild illness, but a lot of headaches for weeks afterwards. Same this time.

Besides the headaches, I'm also having a bit of a brain fog too, and as much as I've tried, I haven't really done much progress with the comic. That's why I'm pausing charges for this month since I have nothing to deliver.

Right now I'm taking a break away from screens in general, because that's what helped me last time to recover. I will try and finish the comic towards the middle of the month, then send the links for those that are still subbed. But as I've said, won't be charging anyone on the first.

Will be back very soon!



Take your time those of us who have been here for a while will still be here


Agree! Most important thing is for you to rest and feel better!


Yup! Definitely take it easy, and take all the time you need. You are working be of the best artists out there, and you won’t lose us that easy.


Hope you feel better, mate!


I’m hoping for a quick recovery for you! Be well soon we will be here!


Just focus on your recovery. Your comics are amazing, but health is more important.


Healt is the first thing! We are waiting your recover.. Sometimes the screen is too bright or too dark.. or too small / too big... And this can cause headaches. Also the chair and the body position are really important! And you don't have to stay too many hours in front the PC, sometimes a break of 5 minutes improve the situation a lot!!