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Hey guys, I've just released the first minicomic, titled Personal Alarm Clock. It should be on your messages folder.

The comic is pretty standard for me, F/f, worship and insertion stuff. Hope you enjoy!

Also let me know about the new style I've tried etc. And thanks for the support!



Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Loved it! Don’t get to see high school giantesses often so I was really glad to see that here! Curious if Bibi, as well as her predecessors, were people that June shrunk and kidnapped, or if they’re manufactured in some way (really hoping for the former!) The “to be continued” got me excited to eventually see more of this story!


Loved it! I really like this format: short story, minimal setup -> action -> resolution. Very enjoyable to follow and feels fresh. Quality of the renders is phenomenal, as usual - I especially liked the scene when girl threw away the covers with her leg - very casual and powerful display. Loved the dynamic between characters: selfish and indifferent vs obedient and clueless. Great work overall! Are you planning other minicomics as continuation to this one, or will they be completely standalone? (hoping for the latter, myself). I'd love to see one focused around a micro character (unaware-into-aware maybe?) - if that's something you'd want to explore, of course.


Great work! Finally you got back to a one-giantess story. That is so much more intense as in multi-giantess-stories. Thank you! I hope you'll go on with this style! For the record: yes Bibi is a little bit to big but thats no shame. Maybe June can shrink her just a bit smaller. ;-)


Amazing work! Beautifully written and beautifully rendered!


Surprisingly long feedback, considering the length of the comic, incoming: I’m gonna focus on the technical changes rather than the story since that's what you asked for. So I noticed you’ve been doing more work with the details on the face and body. While admirable, I think you might be overdoing it. The wrinkles show more emotion and motion, but it feels odd to see such deep wrinkles on a girl that is supposed to be 18 years old. The image of her yawning is the one that shook me back to reality. The gap between her lips and cheekbones is very wide and the length of the wrinkles seems a bit long. It’s the same for the forehead. Wrinkles only really appear up there when the eyebrows are raised as high as possible. It just feels like the details you’ve added are being added to be seen, rather than if they are appropriate or not. Now I’m not saying it looks bad. I’m saying the extra detail sometimes clashes with the rest of the image or body, making it stand out in a way you may not have intended. I hope this made sense. I saw that your text bubbles were different. Nothing serious, but I do think I prefer the faded borders since they don’t create such a hard transition between the image and the bubble. I also noticed that the text was (a different font?) and larger. The font doesn’t matter so long as it’s readable, but the larger size could be a problem if you ever have a wordy page. It wasn’t a problem here, just pointing it out if you plan to continue using it in the future. The side-by-side images were pretty welcome. The first use was probably the best one since it showed the sudden change of the clock and Bibi’s urgency without wasting a page. Putting the clock in the corner was nice since it showed the passage of time without wasting a page, obscuring the image or bogging down the text. One image that I think would have been better left as a full page is the second to last one (p.31). I would have loved to see a full shot of that, especially since the image on the left is the same thing, just from the front. Generally I think this method works best when you want to show a perspective from two different characters or when there is a slight but important motion. Using it to get different angles may not be the best use unless the text attached moves the story along. As for Bibi’s character, I did like how you described her method of “reading” a clock since she’s clearly not educated. Really good and concise way of conveying how she is simply an object and not a person. Overall, this was a really good mini-comic and hopefully this one set the tone of quality. Also did you push Socio 8 back so June’s comic comes out in June and Julie(enne) Hale comes out in July? Kidding. :P


Glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for the feedback! I would like to return to June and this world at some point, but not this month. I'm going to try and aim at as many diverse comics as possible. Unaware is on the list too. A story of a micro basically traversing a giantess like traversing a landscape, kinda like a tribute to the female form. Not sure when though...


I plan to do two more of these this month. So, not exactly weekly, but often enough. :) Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback, as always! Yeah I know exactly what you mean with the expressions. It's one of those things I'm trying to improve upon, because I always thought in my earlier comics the expressions were always too stiff. I might be overdoing it a tad bit now, but I will probably strike a balance soon enough. The thing is, like with the yawn, sometimes things are realistic, but don't fit in a still image. You can find plenty of expressions with that kind of wrinkles on people, even young ones, but because we perceive things in motion, we never really see those, so we aren't used to them. But as I've said, striking a balance is something I'm aiming for. As for the text, yeah I planned to write much less for this minicomic, hence the larger font and the new border style. I originally planned speech bubbles, but in the end I really didn't like them so I stuck with those instead. I will probably try something different next time. And yeah, those side-by-side panels is something I'm going to try and get better at in the future because I like them a lot too. But they do require quite a bit of planning though. Here too I planned a traditional comic-style vertical set up, but ultimately I changed back to a horizontal one simply because I just don't like the usual style. Most people are going to read this on a monitor, so horizontal makes sense. And for those that read it on a phone/tablet, they can always rotate whenever they like. Glad you enjoyed it though! Thanks. :D


You spoil us yet again, it just amazes me how the quality of your comics keeps on getting better and better. Also over 30 pages! a welcoming suprise. Any teases you can throw at us of what your next mini comic will be? I do agree with the chat bubbles being a bit too large at some pages (i do prefer your usual way). Unless there is a non-text version to come with it?


Oh yeah I will post a text-less version too. I've also fixed a few minor things, and I'm going to use the opportunity to make the bubbles smaller. Glad you enjoyed it though! Thanks as always! :D As for the next one. I haven't quite decided yet, I'm still in the 'trying out stuff' phase. I have some broad Ideas, should be done at the end of next week.


I agree it's really incredible how your comics keep getting more and more life-like at the visual level. Also, this story feels like a breath of fresh air although you presented it as pretty "classic". Personally I have a soft spot for Adeline, but I'm not very much into micros (thus sociopathic and Bullies, though I love the two protagonists of Sociopathic). So i really enjoyed this new story. Looking forward to the next ones!


where is the new comic?I cant find