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Hey guys, been a little while.

So, for the past couple of weeks I've had trouble with Paypal, which I use for all the stuff that I do here, Gumorad, but as well as my real-life work. It's been really stressful because, well, bills gotta be paid, and completely tanked my motivation to do anything.

I've been holding this off for as long as I could in hopes of resolving it, but it seems that it's going to take until next month sometime. So unfortunately there isn't going to be Bullies for this month and I will suspend charges again. I'm also looking for alternatives to Paypal because it really sucks to be beholden to one corporation like that.

Anyway I'm going to work on Silverstar 2 instead, and release it sometime next month. Will have to shift Bullies by a month. Sorry about that.


Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

No worries! Do what you gotta do, we’ll still be here when you get back up and going 👌


Mhh a preview would be fair

Derps McGerps

You do you, the anticipation is agonizing but the end product always delivers so I don't mind waiting. The only thing I'd really prod at you to do during this time if it isn't a huge amount of trouble is to do the growth comparison of the girls throughout the series you mentioned doing at one point. I was hoping that would happen at some point.


What about a direct to you payment app such as Venmo so you wouldn’t have to go through a middle man such as PayPal? Just a thought.


Unfortunately can't use Venmo, I'm not from the US (And Venmo is Paypal in disguise lol). Also it's a bit inconvenient. But anyway I think I've found an alternative.